TCA AGM Minutes 12th of March 2007

Annual General Meeting held in Hobart, 12th of March 2007, after the Tasmanian Championships

Meeting Opened:

1:10 pm


  • Graham Richards (President),
  • Nigel Frame (HICC delegate/ Ratings),
  • Carey Kuzmic (acting BCC delegate),
  • Kevin Bonham (Secretary/ Treasurer),
  • Leo Minol (LCC delegate),
  • Russell Horton (JCO),
  • Ross George (VP/Webmaster),
  • Mellissa Harvey,
  • Dylan Kuzmic

Peter Knight was present early in the meeting.


Phil Donnelly (BCC delegate)

Minutes :

Minutes of the AGM of 12/6/06 were accepted unanimously subject to correction to note that Nigel’s original resignation as Ratings Officer was subject to Ross George agreeing to take over.  (Moved Nigel/Russell)

Matters Arising:


Record of matters resolved between meetings by email:

  • 6 Nov 2006: "That the schedule for TCA weekenders in 2007 be:
    • Australia Day weekender - Launceston
    • Tasmanian Championships - Labor Day long weekend, March, Hobart
    • Tasmanian Open - Queens Birthday long weekend, June, Burnie
    • September weekender - Hobart
    • Burnie Shines Weekender - Recreation Day long weekend, November, Burnie"

Moved: Kevin.  In favour: Kevin, Nigel, Ross, Russell.  Motion Carried.

  • 14 Jan 2007: That Graham Richards be appointed TCA delegate to the Australian Chess Federation Council.

Moved: Kevin For: Kevin, Nigel, Leo, Russell Motion Carried.

  • 19 Jan 2007: "That the relevant event details as stated in the entry form "Tas Champs 2007 be approved"

Moved: Kevin.  Amendment (Graham, 20 Jan 2007) "that play on the Saturday and Sunday commences at  10.30 a.m."  Amendment accepted and incorporated.  Voting on amended motion: For: Kevin, Ross.  Motion Carried.

  •  received 25 Jan, sent for voting 29 Jan 2007: "That round 1 begins at midday, round 2 at 4 pm, round 3 at 8 pm, all other rounds as originally scheduled."

Moved: Nigel, For: Nigel, Against: Phil, Russell, Ross, Abstain: Kevin.  Motion Lost.

  • received 25 Jan, sent for voting 29 Jan 2007: "That the organisers of the Tasmanian Championships provide a half-point bye to any entrant who requests such by 10pm of the Thursday preceding the tournament and and who gives reasonable grounds for his/her request."  [Mover noted: "reasonable grounds would include but not be limited to 1. avoiding the unnecessary expense of an extra night's accomodation 2. student exam or work commitments"]

Moved: Phil For: Phil, Russell, Against: Kevin, Nigel.  Motion tied and referred to casting vote.  Motion Lost.

  • TCA position on ACF Special State Motion, 29 Jan 2007 (see correspondence) That we vote in favour: Ross, Russell, Phil.  No votes that we abstain or vote against. Resolved that we vote in favour.  [NB Vote was not submitted on time to ACF due to an oversight by Kevin,  but motion was passed 16-0 in any case]


Correspondence In:

  1. Phil Donnelly, 16 Dec 2006 BCC motion on ratings
  2. Kevin Bonham, 7 Jan 2007, various ACF issues
  3. Neville Ledger, 19 Jan 2007, Phil Donnelly appointed BCC delegate
  4. Graham Richards, 20 Jan 2007, amendment to motion
  5. Kevin Bonham, 20 Jan 2007, amendment accepted
  6. Phil Donnelly,  24 Jan 2007, amendment to motion
  7. Phil Donnelly,  25 Jan 2007, amendment to motion
  8. Nigel Frame, 25 Jan 2007, amendment to motion
  9. Gary Wastell, 29 Jan 2007, ACF Special State motion re junior funding.
  10. Phil Donnelly, 4 Feb 2007, request for email vote on BCC motion on ratings
  11. Phil Donnelly, 16 Feb 2007, communications issues
  12. Kevin Bonham, 16 Feb 2007, communications issues
  13. Phil Donnelly, 17 Feb 2007, amended BCC ratings motion
  14. Phil Donnelly, 3 Mar 2007, request to defer ratings motion
  15. Phil Donnelly, 3 Mar 2007, note of concern re delays re ratings motion

Correspondence Out:

  1. TCA exec, 6 Nov 2006, November meeting not held, notice of motion
  2. TCA exec, 14 Jan 2007, Tas champs draft form, notice of motion
  3. TCA exec (from Graham), 24 Jan 2007, voting on amendment to motion
  4. TCA exec, 29 Jan 2007, special state motion
  5. TCA exec, 29 Jan 2007, results of motion, notices of motions, procedural rulings
  6. TCA exec, 7 Feb 2007, outcome of voting on motions
  7. ACF, 15 Feb 2007, special state motion
  8. TCA exec, 15 Feb 2007, notice of AGM, results of voting
  9. TCA exec, 17 Feb 2007, ratings motion ruled non-urgent

Business arising from correspondence:

BCC ratings motion:  Moved Russell/Carey that the matter be deferred to the next meeting.  In favour: Russell, Carey, Dylan Against: Nigel, Kevin, Leo Motion carried on casting vote and motion deferred.

Office Bearer Reports:


Graham reported that it has been a very successful year for the TCA especially in the area of junior chess and commended Tony Dowden’s offer to assist with coaching of elite Tasmanian juniors.  He also noted IM Guy West’s appearance at a tournament.  Areas for recommended improvement included the nature of Executive email communications, addition of proxy rights for Executive meetings, and constitutional reform to election procedures to eliminate the potential for a group of officebearers to continually re-elect each other.


Kevin reported that the TCA holds about $1177 including about $377 of junior funds, but this excludes TCA levy from 2007 state champs, income from junior events since Latrobe camp and ratings fees not yet billed by ACF. 

Junior Chess:

Russell reported that the TCA had conducted two coaching camps, the junior championships and two lead-up tournaments.  Tasmania entered a team in the Internet Chess Challenge and two junior clubs started (Hobart and North West).   Vincent Horton was selected for Ergas Squad and four players played in the Aus Juniors with good results.  Chesskids teams tournaments have been highly successful. Ideas canvassed: longer better games in U14/18, no change for U12, players should contest one age group only, government grants for coaching visits, encouragement and support for Aus Juniors contestants and teams.

All reports were accepted (carried unanimously).

Business arising from office bearer reports:

Email communication – discussed then deferred to general business item 3.

Junior chess funds – to remain under TCA account for now and continue to be itemised as separate total.

Election of Office Bearers:

Positions elected unopposed before meeting:

  • President: Graham Richards
  • Secretary: Kevin Bonham

(Russell enquired about a BCC nomination for Phil Donnelly for President and Kevin advised it had been received on 6 Mar after the 2 Mar deadline, when the position had already been filled unopposed.)

Positions elected from the floor:

  • Treasurer: Leo Minol
  • Junior Chess Officer: Russell Horton
  • Webmaster: Ross George

(It was noted that the Webmaster position is currently ex officio and that a provision for including it as a full Executive position could be made by constitutional amendment at the June meeting, but would not take effect until sixty days after that.)

  • Vice President: Phil Donnelly to be offered appointment to the position.
  • Ratings Officer: Election deferred until end of meeting pending discussion of email communications issues.

General Business

New ACF Levy:

Kevin noted that the TCA had an extra $158 fee to pay for 2007 on account of the replacement of the former schools teams levy with a new levy charged per capita irrespective of participation in the Schools Teams finals.  After much discussion of options it was agreed to try to raise this money (and possibly more) through the sale of rights to conduct the schools teams events as a TCA title.

MOVED Nigel(/Russell?) that before the next general meeting the TCA Schools Teams Championships title be put out to tender.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Russell to draft tender letter with Kevin’s assistance.

ACF Policy re names of events:

The ACF policy passed at the Jan 2006 national conference seeks to limit the right to award national and state titles to the ACF and recognised state associations and empower the ACF to take action against unofficial titles advertised as if official.

MOVED Nigel/Ross that we endorse the ACF policy re event names.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Guidelines for email communication:

Many exec members perceived that the tone of some recent email discussions had been unsatisfactory.  Resolved that a code of conduct be drafted for email discussion of matters by all Executive members.  Code would be non-punitive in nature, perhaps to be agreed upon by Executive members on joining the Executive.  Some possible items to be included:

  • grievances with individuals to be taken up with them individually, then if unresolved with the President, then if unresolved via a motion of no confidence or of some other specific action
  • code to state that all exec members are doing their best to assist the interests of chess in Tasmania
  • exec members to use first name terms in internal emails
  • restatement of existing procedure for requests that motions be considered urgent (Secretary rules on urgency, mover may then move a challenge motion if ruled not urgent)
  • stick to issues and facts
  • speculation about the motives of other executive members to be avoided
  • use email cautiously with awareness of potential for misunderstandings

Graham to circulate draft code of conduct for suggested amendments.

Communication re upcoming meetings:

Agreed that TCA meetings at each tournament should be considered always on, unless explicitly cancelled in advance.  Kevin to email Exec members in advance of each meeting and ask them to clarify if they are attending, or if not, who is their proxy.  (The latter currently applies only to delegates but will apply to all members if changes to constitution are made.)  Graham and Kevin to draft amendment to constitution to replace existing 22(j) with a provision for all Executive members to appoint proxies to increase chance of meetings being held.

Election reform:

Agreed that TCA constitution requires reform, as the current restriction of voting rights to officebearers creates potential for a rogue executive to become more or less self-perpetuating.  Graham and Kevin to draft constitutional amendments to eliminate this issue without providing unfair advantage to the host club of the meeting, possibly through postal or online voting in cases where multiple nominations are received prior to the first cutoff.

Other Business:

Ratings Officer:

Nigel Frame announced his resignation and was thanked for his work in the position.  Kevin Bonham appointed acting ratings officer until June meeting. 

Veto rights over conditions for weekenders:

MOVED Kevin/Russell that the TCA has veto rights over the conditions for any TCA weekender.  In favour: Kevin, Russell, Carey, Dylan, Ross  Against: Nigel Motion Carried.

The mover envisaged that this condition only be used where conditions jeopardised the Grand Prix status or ACF rating of the event,  contravened the FIDE Laws of Chess or were otherwise highly irregular.

TCA Schedule 2008:

Schedule in line with current rotational policy is:

  • January: Launceston
  • March: Tas Champs, Launceston
  • June: Tas Open, Hobart
  • September: Hobart
  • November: Burnie

Ratification deferred until next meeting.

Meeting Closed:

3:03 pm