Tasmanian Chess Association (Inc.)

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TCA AGM MINUTES, 13th March 2022

Meeting held in Launceston, 13th of March 2022 after the Tasmanian Championships




• Denis McMahon (President)

• Christopher Shepherd (Vice-President)

• Ian Little (Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster)

• Kevin Bonham (Ratings Officer)

• James Bryant

• Christian Duboudin


• Andrew Martini

• Christine Rumley


The minutes of the previous TCA Annual General Meeting of the 8th of March 2021 were circulated prior to the start of the meeting. No amendments were notified, and the minutes were accepted as read and correct.

Matters arising:


Moved Bonham

The AGM accept the minutes of the previous TCA AGM of the 8th of March 2021.

Motion carried unanimously.

Actions arising from the previous AGM:

1. Ian Little, in his capacity as Treasurer, to investigate the identified levy and Glen Gibbs discrepancies and report back to the TCA Executive as soon as possible – action closed (with new actions documented below).

a. A clerical error for an outgoing payment of $220 was mistakenly considered as a double withdrawal for the Glenn Gibbs award. This was found to be a payment to the Launceston Chess Club: $150 for rent subsidy and $70 for catering the 2021 Tasmanian Championships.

b. $880 has been paid to Glenn Gibbs award winners from 2018 – 2021. However, in the handover in 2018 of the role of Treasurer, the requirement to seek the award payment each year from the benefactor was not clear. The details of the Deed of Gift

were discussed. Denis confirmed the importance of the award for junior chess in Tasmania, and the actions of the TCA to promote the award each year in acknowledgement of the generosity of Glen Gibbs.

2. Ian Little, in his capacity as Treasurer, to construct, maintain, and make available a complete TCA membership register as soon as possible – action closed.

a. A register has now been made for 2022. Denis thanked Ian for his work in establishing a register and expressed his views on how this might be made simpler in the future.

b. Kevin Bonham, in his capacity as Hobart Club Secretary, requested that the club is given at least a month’s notice before needing to provide an updated list of club members to the TCA.

3. Ian Little, in his capacity as Treasurer, to investigate the cost of purchasing a new Tasmanian Chess Champions trophy and/or modifying the existing trophy and report to TCA executive with options before the next Tasmanian Championships – action outstanding.

4. Ian Little, in his capacity as Webmaster, to investigate the practicality and regularity of hosting video conference meetings for the TCA Executive – action closed.

a. Ian reported that this was possible, though not pursued. Ian reported that Andrew Martini is keen to start zoom meetings with the executive in the future.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little, in his capacity as 2021 Treasurer, to correct the accounts for 2021 for the matter of the incorrect $220 payment.

ACTION ITEM: Kevin Bonham to speak with Maria Gibbs to resolve the matter of the 2018-2021 Glen Gibbs award monies.

ACTION ITEM: Denis McMahon to send Christian Duboudin the Glen Gibbs Memorial Award Deed of Gift.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little, in his capacity as Treasurer, to investigate the cost of purchasing a new Tasmanian Chess Champions trophy and/or modifying the existing trophy and report to TCA executive with options before the next Tasmanian Championships.


Denis McMahon, TCA President, tabled his president’s report.

Denis noted that the Devonport club is still alive and going well despite small numbers.

Denis thanked the Launceston club for their hospitality for the Championships, the Launceston Cup and the Northern Champions Allegro.

Denis noted sad news from the Burnie chess club. Neville Ledger, winner of the Koshnitsky Medal for lifetime contribution to the administration of chess in Australia, had sadly passed away. Neville was only the second person awarded lifetime membership of the TCA in recognition of his services to Tasmanian chess over many decades (https://www.tasmanianchessassociation.org/news-and-games/2017/2/16/neville-ledger-wins-the-koshnitsky-medal). In addition, illness has forced the retirement of Fred Duiker, previously club Treasurer. Dylan Kuzmic has now taken over in the role.

Denis noted that the Hobart club continues strongly as the main financial supporter of the TCA, with 23 adult and 16 junior members.

Denis noted that the Huonville Chess Festival broke Tasmanian chess participation records with 52 entries and over $3,000 in prizes, with excellent media coverage. Denis acknowledged the work of Tan Nguyen and Ian Little in organising this exciting event that helped promote chess in Tasmania.

The Tony Sturges Memorial was also held again in 2021 despite Covid-19 challenges, helping to support web and administrative costs of the TCA.

Denis noted that he was not confident in the Latrobe Chocolate Chess tournament continuing due to the protocols being too onerous for those organisations contributing to the event.

The major results for the year were: Tasmanian Champion – Ian Rout and Kevin Bonham, Tasmanian Senior Champion – Ian Rout, Women’s Champion – Udani Amarasekara, Tasmanian Open Winner – Oscar Breslin, Tasmanian Rapid Champion – Will Rumley, Tasmanian Lightning Champion – Kevin Bonham, Tasmanian Junior Champion – Oscar Breslin, Glen Gibbs Winner – Oscar Breslin.

Denis thanked Ian Little and Christine Rumley for their services to the TCA, after Ian announced his resignation from the positions of Webmaster, Secretary and Treasurer, and Christine announced her resignation from the position of Junior Officer.

Questions & Comments


Moved Duboudin

The AGM accept the tabled President’s Report.

Motion carried unanimously.


Ian Little, TCA Treasurer, tabled his treasurer’s report.

Ian noted that in the TCA recorded a net profit of $1600 up from last year’s profit of just under $400. He also noted the report includes the month of January 2021, which was also included in the previous year’s report. This is due to the change in financial year agreed at the 2021 AGM.

The profit of the TCA was largely due to the success of the Huonville Chess Tournament, contributing $900 profit to the TCA – this was driven by Tan Nguyen in his organisation of sponsors and supporters for the festival. The Tasmanian Rapid and Tony Sturges raised almost $800 (with $100 subsequently donated to the venue of the Rapid).

Ian noted that the fundraising events of the TCA are required to make the TCA an ongoing entity. The TCA incurred around $1900 in basic costs this year, whilst recuperating around $1000 in membership levies. Titled tournaments (excluding Tasmanian Rapid) across the calendar year largely break even.

Ian noted that the 2021 web fees were gifted to the TCA (not reimbursed to the Treasurer).

The TCA has a current balance of over $5000 and no outstanding debts, with no capital works planned.

Ian noted that at the time of the Huonville Chess Tournament, there were some transactions in and out of the account that are not included in the transactions in the Treasurer’s Report and resulted in

no net change to the accounts. This was related to a planned payment of cash awards from a separate account, as cash cannot be withdrawn directly from the TCA account. However, after further difficulties this plan was reversed, and money deposited back into the TCA account.

The breakdown of how membership levies was discussed. Denis clarified the position for the TCA going forward after 2022. If you pay membership fees for the TCA in the first half of the calendar year, you will pay the full fee. From July-September there is a $5 discount, and from October-December there is a $10 discount. The details for 2021 are detailed in the 2020 AGM Minutes.

Denis noted that there were discrepancies between the Treasurer’s Report and the current membership register in the order of around $240-270. This occurred due to the current means of receiving tournament payments that also include membership levies, plus the unique arrangements that are in place in 2021/2 due to the change in financial year. Denis believed this would sort itself out with the conclusion of the change in financial year.

Questions & Comments

James asked if there were plans for the current finances of the association to be used for any specific purposes. Ian noted that the association needs around $3000 in the bank as a minimum as float, and the current higher balance is largely due to this year’s higher than usual profit. Ian also noted his belief that a higher balance of funds for the TCA should not be used to raise tournament prize monies, as this may not be sustainable.

Moved Duboudin

The AGM accept the tabled Treasure’s Report.

Motion carried unanimously.


Christine Rumley, TCA Junior Chess Officer, tabled her junior officer’s.

Moved Little

The AGM accept the tabled Junior Officer’s Report.

Motion carried unanimously.


Annual fees for 2022 were set at $25 for seniors and $15 for juniors, with a $5 discount for fees paid through a club as part of club membership. Due to the transitional nature of the fee change and fiscal year in 2021/2, it was proposed to not change fees for 2023. No objections were raised to this suggestion. It was confirmed that juniors are under 18.

Invoicing clubs for membership levies remains difficult. Support was given at 2021 AGM to relax strict measures around the timing of payments to the TCA. Club delegates were reminded of the difficulties in chasing these fees up towards the end of the year, and that prompt payment is appreciated.

Moved McMahon

That there be no change to TCA fees for 2023.

Motion carried unanimously.


The following people were all elected unopposed.

• Ian Little for the office of President (nominated by Denis McMahon)

• Christopher Shepherd for the office of Vice-President (nominated by Denis McMahon)

• Andrew Martini for the office of Secretary (nominated by Denis McMahon)

• Christian Duboudin for the office of Treasurer (nominated by Denis McMahon)

• Kevin Bonham for the office of Ratings Officer (nominated by Denis McMahon)

• Christopher Shepherd for the office of Webmaster (nominated by Denis McMahon)

• James Bryant for the office of Junior Chess Officer (nominated by Denis McMahon)

With the significant change in the TCA Executive, many thanks were given to both Denis McMahon and Ian Little in their former roles. Critically, it was noted that when Denis came into the position of President, the TCA did not have a constitution and was not incorporated, and that a significant amount of work was accomplished in the early years to make these changes to the TCA. Denis leaves the presidency (though not the Executive), in a much stronger position than when he came into the role.

Ian Little also raised that he was intending to step back from the running of the TCA entirely, and after late discussions before the AGM now finds himself as the President. Ian is hopeful that with the largest number of people in the Executive for some time (with only one person fulfilling two roles), that the work of the TCA can be spread between Executive members more equitably and that reduction of effort for these volunteer roles is achieved. The main concern is still around TCA registration and tracking of levy payments, to support both tournaments and end of financial year account resolution, an item which will be a major item for the new Executive to tackle in its first term.




Junior Chess

Denis noted that the election of James Bryant to the Junior Chess Officer position brings the scholastic chess scene in Tasmania closer to the TCA, as James runs Black Square Chess which runs all scholastic tournaments in Tasmania. The potential to bring in more players to TCA events was noted as a potential benefit of James’ election, as well as noting potential conflicts of interest with James also running Blacksquare Chess.

Sets for Tournaments

Kevin raised that the scramble that often happens before tournaments for HCC to bring equipment (notably chess sets) to Tasmanian tournaments is an ongoing frustration. This year Alex Nagy ended

up moving a significant volume of chess sets on foot out of the HCC in order to support the Tasmanian Championship; Alex’ efforts were appreciated by the TCA and a small gift organised. Ian noted that in discussions with Andrew for the handover of secretary, that the existence of Tasmanian Titled Events guidelines is not well known and potentially not followed. The communication of these guidelines to tournament organisers in the lead up to events will be looked at.

Chris noted that with the aim of holding an even larger Huonville Chess Tournament in 2022, that the issue of being short on chess sets may reverse later this year, and the HCC may need to borrow equipment to hold that event. Ian noted that with the TCA holding 15 chess clocks, the TCA could purchase a corresponding 15 chess sets to make a complete set. James informed the meeting that Interschool Chess has around 300 sets and clocks to support scholastic chess, and that these could be made available if needed to support TCA events.

Tournament Reports

Kevin informed the meeting that the ACF has requested tournament reports to be submitted as early as possible following any ACF rated events, for inclusion in the ACF newsletter. Kevin is hopeful that someone else takes on writing tournament reports and submitting them to the ACF in a timely manner.

