TCA AGM Minutes 9th of March 2015

Meeting held in Hobart, 9th of March 2015, after the Tasmanian Championships

Meeting Opened:

12:10 pm


(Positions as at start of meeting)

  • Denis McMahon (President),
  • Russell Horton (Burnie*),
  • Kevin Bonham (Secretary/Ratings),
  • David Hughes (Treasurer),
  • Ian Little (Vice-President),
  • Kam Lee,
  • Alex Nagy (Hobart),
  • Mellissa Harvey (Junior Chess - arrived 12:40)

* It was advised during the meeting Russell Horton was appointed BCC delegate at the recent BCC AGM.


  • Tom Saltmarsh (Hobart/Delegate to ACF)


Minutes of the previous meeting of March 2014 were confirmed.

Matters Arising:

Senior Trophy:

not purchased yet as title not awarded


Mason Carter not enthusiastic re becoming webmaster


Russell stated that a signed lease/hire agreement is required for the TCA to be covered by school insurance

President's Report:

Read as forwarded.  Denis reported a quietly productive year with new events including the inaugural Tasmanian Rapid, the Sturges Memorial and the opening of Devonport club.  The Neville Ledger tournament was hailed as an amazingly generous gesture and in Denis's opinion the most enjoyable event he had played in.  Denis thanked retiring secretary Kevin Bonham. 


Treasurer's Report:

David reported an opening balance $1938.91 and closing $3078.80, distributed with $2172.37 assigned to the general account and $905.71 to junior chess.  The large profit was mainly website fundraising from the Sturges Memorial and Devonport Lightning.  However this was prior to payment of c. $1100 for the latest junior camp, which had entirely exhausted the junior account.  Also c. $2000 in Glen Gibbs trust account.


Junior Chess Report:

Tabled.  State junior titles were awarded at the Interschool finals while the Southern Junior continued as a standalone event.  Glen Gibbs award won by Bradley Vince.  Southern Junior Camp held at Coningham with coaching by Smari Teitson (Iceland).

Report accepted (MOVED Russell, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY).

Discussion of whether we can improve situation of Junior Champs being awarded from a David Cordover-run tournament with no requirement for players to be junior members of the TCA. 

Election of Officebearers:

All the following were elected unopposed.

  • President: Denis McMahon*
  • Vice-President: Ian Little
  • Secretary: Ian Little (David Hughes withdrew nomination)
  • Treasurer: David Hughes*
  • Rating Officer: Kevin Bonham
  • Junior Chess Officer: Mellissa Harvey

Webmaster: election deferred til later in meeting

* = subject to approval of DCC affiliation

Denis noted there were constitutional issues regarding the webmaster position under the current constitution.  While change moved in 2007 had intended to make Webmaster an Executive position, section 5 had not been amended to ensure this.

General Business:

Setting of fees and membership structure:

It was discussed that it is desirable to capture active juniors in the TCA membership structure, and also to encourage players to be members of clubs.

MOTION (Denis) That we create a three-level membership structure:

- junior membership

- individual membership

- club-based membership     CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOTION (Denis) That the membership structure be $20 individual membership, $15 for club-based members, $5 for junior members.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Affiliation of Devonport Club:

MOTION (Denis) That the Devonport Chess Club affiliates to the TCA.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOTION (Denis) That the TCA applies to become an incorporated association.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

It was agreed that the Public Officer be the Secretary and the place of business be the Secretary's address.  It was discussed that the TCA's low turnover gave it the ability to obtain exemptions from audit-reporting requirements.


Ian discussed that existing website code (HTML) is cumbersome and difficult to edit without web expertise. 

Ian discussed approaches to web companies with the most successful being to programmer Joel who suggested Square Space.  Site provides basic editable website.  Also discussed second step: interactive diagrams and gold standard: member logins and internet games.  Limitation is appearance of uniform styling on every page.

Meeting adjourned for technical display c. 1:30 resumed at c. 1:50.

Minor issues were noted, such as typeface.

Retention of Aus Junior legacy site noted by Kevin and Denis as highly important.

Cost of migrating old site estimated at a few hundred dollars.  Hosting estimated at $16/month if purchased on annual basis.

Password security discussed, as all password users have same edit rights.

MOVED Denis that Ian Little be elected as webmaster with Kam Lee as advisor.


Constitution Reform:

MOVED Ian that the TCA Constitution be replaced in full by previously circulated version.

Denis noted that under old constitution, meeting cannot consider such motions as it is not an Executive meeting.  Leave sought and granted unanimously that motion be considered anyway in view of decision to incorporate.  Old constitution is not compliant with incorporation.

Meeting adjourned for about 10  mins to read alternative draft pre-circulated by Denis.

There was general discussion of the model proposed by the motion and Denis noted numerous reservations.


Discussion moved to draft pre-circulated by Denis.

There was broad agreement that, subject to agreement on amendments, we should adopt Denis's draft as new Constitution.  The following proposals were accepted:

  • MOVED Russell that the number of requisitionists required in 10(2) be raised from 6 to 12.   CARRIED 4 votes to 1.
  • MOVED Denis that in part 12 a quorum for a meeting held in requisition pursuant to 10(2) be 12 members.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
  • Agreed to delete sentence from 16 (e) regarding collection of fees.
  • Agreed to delete "or any other state title conferred by the TCA" from 3.3(b). (Kevin advised this was necessary in order to continue standing practice that Tasmanian Open, a state title that is not a Championship is not covered by this provision.)
  • Agreed to change wording of first sentence of 16(g)(a) to "attempt to organise the Tasmanian Individual Junior Championships"
  • Agreed to change wording of 3 (1) (a) to ensure that cases where the club had not yet paid a member's membership on their behalf were covered without that member becoming unfinancial.
  • Agreed to change 14(3) to add "Except in the case of the election of officebearers at the AGM," at start, thus making proxy voting possible if a signed proxy was delivered to the Secretary. 
  • Agreed to change "Any two" to "multiple" in 16 (4).

MOVED Denis That the Constitution be adopted as amended.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

The meeting recognised the elected officebearers plus Russell Horton (Burnie delegate) and Alex Nagy (Hobart delegate) as the initial Executive under the new Constitution, with David Hughes as Devonport delegate as well as Treasurer.

Working With Children Check:

Mellissa advised new WTC checks are required for those working with children more than 3 times per year.  Can be done online at Justice Department for $17.  More info requested to be circulated by email.

Proposed Format Change for Events:

Ian proposed that holding the Open or Champs on a 1-2-2-2 schedule (Friday night - Sat - Sun - Mon) with a 90/30 time control be considered at a future meeting.

Meeting Closed:

3:05 pm